Dangers Attacks

Your best friend in credential reuse attacks.
Some of the scenarios can be used in it
  • Check if the targeted email is in any leaks and then use the leaked password to check it against the websites.
  • Check if the target credentials you found is reused on other websites/services.
  • Checking if the old password you got from the target/leaks is still used in any website.

usage: Cr3d0v3r.py [-h] [-p] [-np] [-q] email
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
email:Email/username to check
-p Don't check for leaks or plain text passwords.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q Quiet mode (no banner).
-np Don't check for plain text passwords.

Installing and requirements
To make the tool work at its best you must have :
  • Python 3.x or 2.x (preferred 3).
  • Linux or Windows system.
  • Worked on some machines with MacOS and python3.
  • The requirements mentioned in the next few lines.
+For windows : (After downloading ZIP and upzip it)
cd Cr3dOv3r-master
python -m pip install -r win_requirements.txt
python Cr3dOv3r.py -h

+For Linux :
+For docker :